State Taxes

Taxes are how we come together as North Carolinians — Black, brown, and white, in every county across the state — to fund the public services that we all rely on. We deserve equitable tax policies that generate enough state revenue to fund excellent public schools, safe roads, beautiful state parks, robust social services, and more in our communities.

When everyone pays what they owe, we make sure that our tax code is balanced and our state will have the funds needed to support critical priorities, while not asking those with the least to pay the most as a share of their income.

In the past few years, NC leaders have rigged the rules to divert our public resources from our communities to the pockets of the wealthiest few and profitable corporations through tax cuts. NC leaders have chosen to make the corporate income tax rate ZERO by 2030, instead of using our shared resources to pay for the things that make our state a great place to live and work.

When our leaders make wealthy corporations pay what they owe our state through taxes, we will make North Carolina a place where we all have what we need to overcome our challenges and keep our families safe and well. We’ll have what we need as a state to deliver the quality schools, affordable healthcare and good-paying jobs that ensure all of our families can thrive.​

Group of NC People

State Taxes Matter

The state tax code decides how much each of us contributes as individuals or businesses. It also determines what form those taxes will take, such as income, sales, or property taxes. The way the state generates revenue impacts North Carolinians differently along the income ladder. That’s why it’s important that our revenue structure follows three central values: equity, adequacy, and stability. North Carolina’s current tax code is regressive. It asks more from low-income people as a share of their income than the wealthiest among us. 

Budget & Taxes Justice

North Carolina ranks 24th for our tax code’s regressivity. That means our tax system makes income inequality in the state worse, not better.

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North Carolina’s tax code and budget are wrought with such policy choices, which can result in racist outcomes that worsen barriers to well-being for people and communities of color.

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Action - Tell Your Lawmakers (wide)

Read why cutting the corporate income tax is unpopular and would hurt North Carolina 

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Questions about State Taxes?


Reach out to Logan Rockerfeller Harris (she/her/hers)
Research Manager
[email protected]


Reach out to Alexandra Sirota (she/her/hers)
Executive Director
[email protected]